17 February 2011

Drawing and Painting Exhibition, Parent's Weekend

The Drawing and Painting departments asked for my studio-mate and I to each put a drawing into an exhibition that would be up on Fox 2 through Parent's Weekend. Unfortunately I was too busy to post pictures during, and the show has since come down, but here are some photos of the gallery.


16 February 2011

Art History Conference

This post is a little late coming but I've been busy, so I suppose that's ok.
Many many thanks to all who came out for the Art History Senior Thesis conference. We had a pretty decent turnout, good questions, good food, and a bunch of really great lectures. My peers, my professors, and myself were all very happy with the way the event went. Following are some pictures that a friend (Kate Robinson) was able to snap from the front row.

04 February 2011

MICA's 1st Annual Art History Senior Thesis Conference

Please come! There will be free food and much to be learned!

On Facebook!

01 February 2011


A sketch from my new little sketchbook. Self-portrait from the reflection in my computer screen, during class. Those are some wonky eyes, but I didn't have a chance to fix them.

Image © J. Timlin 2011